Sērmūkšļu 4 / Ķekavas pag., Ķekavas pag.



90 000 €


70 000 €

19.36€ / m2



Sērmūkšļu 4, Ķekavas pag., Ķekavas pag.




70 000 €



Selling land for the building of a private house in Berzmente, the municipality of Kekava.

In a pleasant area, at the end of a closed road, sell a very attractive land property to your dream house!
The property shall be located in the territory of an existing detailed plan. Rectangular area of land of 3614 m2 (consisting of two square plots of 1787 m2 and 1827 m2 of land and sold only together).

Location: the property is located 11 km from Kekava, 7 km from Daugmale, 3 km from Daugava, on a 2 km journey along the gravel road, in a beautiful woodland, in a small community set up by friendly neighbours (20 landowners, of which 8 live on site).

Amenities: An electrical connection with contactors, etc., is installed in one of the properties. The other property shall include the Distribution Network electrical connection connection. - if necessary, a separate electrical fault may be established within a short time, drilling at a depth of 18 m with a train for water abstraction.
A pond with an area of 525 m2 and a maximum depth of 2,5 mhas been dug into the
property. A pondboat fitted to the pond, which changes its height, according to variations in waterlevels. The pond gives you
the chance to swim and swim offthe heat in the summer, but in winter it allows you to set up arink for friendly hockey mini tournaments with friends and neighbors.

A geological expert-examination has been performed on theproperty, as well as a consultation of the tool-holder, theresults of which are reflected on the topographical plan. Theproperty
contains trees, mostly birches, pines, which make the property especially cozy. Various plantings have been carriedout, such as lilacs,
jasmine, acetic trees, physical caravans, which enhance the property and give it additional beauty.

Construction permit in force for the land until September 30 which can be realised. Construction has not been launched. A harmonised construction project for a beautiful private house with an area slightly above 250 m2. A copy ofthe building project may
be requested in the archives of the building authority and it shall be a fee service.

The price of the property is indicated without the pictures of the bathhouse, container, gazebo, etc. However, these items can be agreed
separately if necessary.

Approximate fees of registration in the Land Register:

Stamp duty: 1 050.00 EUR   
Office duty: 21.34 EUR


Jānis Spinga


+371 23079650

Jānis Spinga

Real estate agent


+371 23079650

Rīga un Rīgas rajons

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